Why donating a car to charity benefits the environment by fueling the auto recycling industry.
Donating a car to charity has a number of benefits for both the donor and the charity receiving the contribution. For the donor they get to get rid of a vehicle via a hassle-free process at no cost to them-self. There is also the added benefit of receiving a tax deduction for donating a car. What many prospective donors don’t realize is the environmental impact their car donation will have.
When you donate a car you are providing a sustainable way to reduce and reuse natural materials used in producing new cars. Cars are actually the most recycled consumer item in North America as over 80% of materials used in a car will be recycled. Steel is the number one material that makes up the majority of a cars body weight. Amazingly, steel is infinitely recyclable and can always be melted into scrap steel and reused in the production of new cars! In fact, greater than 18 million tons of steel are melted and reused each year.
Facts about the auto recycling industry and what your car donation is benefiting.
The auto recycling industry is a $25 billion dollar a year industry in the United States and provides about 100,000 jobs. In the U.S. alone there are over 12 million cars each year that are retired from roadways and enter the recycling stream. Many of these are from generous car donations! Between the U.S. and Canada there is enough steel recycled to produce 13 million new cars each year. This is incredible and you are already helping the environment by driving your car made out of partially recycled steel!
Furthermore, in today’s volatile climate surrounding energy your car donation is reducing the use of oil. Recycling materials and parts from cars helps save 85 million barrels of oil per year from being used to create new parts.
Donate a car today to help one of our great charities as well as help save the environment!
Now that you know donating a car to charity is one of the most environmentally beneficial things you can do, there is no reason to not start your car donation with Cars for Charity today! You can see a list of the many great charities that we work with here. If you have an old car sitting in your driveway no matter if it runs or has little to no value we will tow your car away for free. After you donate your car, you can be proud that you have done something nice for a deserving charity and also contributed to reducing our impact on the environment!
Start Your Car Donation With Cars for Charity
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